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Adding personalization to your leather goods to make it your own. Make your leather goods more special by adding personalize options.
There is two different types you can choose; no.1 is serif style and no.2 is san serif style.  Each type will gives different feel/look on the leather. There is a limit of 3 uses of upper and lower case for each letter of alphabet. There is certain position and maximum number of letters depending on the items and it is written on the each item's description. Please specify the style and letters you want to personalize on the products' option(e.g. no.2 san-serif style: Kay). If you do not specify the style, no.1 serif style will be chosen. $5 CAD will be charge for each personalization. Some of items offer free personalization. Please check all types before you make order. I am not responsible for the typo, personalization will be stamped what it wrote on the option. 
Hot Stamping Personalization New Characters

You can also add these new characters. You can add only one new character. Please inform the new character code with your choice of type and letters. Please use the bracket symbol so I can distinguish the character code (e.g. no.2 san-serif style: Kay(NE2) -> Kay♥︎). 

Example of Personalizing with New Characters
If you want no.1 serif style and new characters combination, new characters won’t stamped as deeply as no.1 serif style since the new characters has shorter height than no.1 serif style. No.2 san-serif style and new characters have same height so it will stamped with same pressure. 
Typesetting in Thinkthankay
 T H A N K  Y O U !